Hau was so eager to bring me have dinner at T-Bowl.
T-Bowl (Toilet Bowl) is a Bathroom Concept Restaurant.
Recently, Sunway Pyramid had two new food outlets opened in the Orange Atrium. T-Bowl was one of the shop. Another was Ninja Joe, therefore, we chose T-Bowl first.
With a delighted heart entering the restaurant, to find out the big crowd, all teenagers, enjoying dinner in cute little utensils, bathroom concept kind of bowls and plates.

I ordered this Original Drumstick Ramen. Which doesn't taste fantastic enough for me to write more about it.
Hau ordered the Roast Chicken with Chasseur Sauce.
Continued with a Kiwi Delight Ice-cream and a Red Canadian Frappe Bubble Mocktail.
Since it is a concept restaurant, don't expect much from the food. Basically the food is normal, not too good and not so bad either.
So, one time experience for me will be good enough. Next will be.. Ninja Joe~ Yeah~

After our dinner, we went to shop for Wfen’s birthday presant. Hau finally decided to buy the gift (DIY) for Wfen. He diligently agree to “bao” all the assembly job by himself. Well, none of my business so…. Wahaha… it’s his presant for her, not mine! Hahaha~
After shopping around for while, we were so eager to check out the presant. We even started the first DIY job at Mc D that night itself. Only did we know when we opened the box, that the DIY thing, is really super DIY. Every detail of the thing needed to be assembly. It’s a piece by piece kind of thing.
Hau was busy assembling the stuff, while I was busy watching my 义海豪情YHHQ. Hau was so hardworking and he was super serious to make it look beautiful. Wanna post photos while he was working seriously, but now cannot post yet la. Because still need to give birthday girl surprise de ma. After her birthday, then only I post ya~
In case birthday girl Wfen does drop by my blog….. I wanna tell you gal…. I very very VERY SIBEH envy you lor… you know why…. My dear went many sleepless nights because of your presant! Assembling your gift itself makes us not meet each other almost one week! Be sure you shed a tear when he gave you the presant… if not.. I will whack you till you CRY! Wahahahaha~
Wait till you see da gift la. Nothing compares a gift from the heart. From my dear’s heart.
weifen in reading, i sleep 5 hours everyday for 1 week, just want to finish your present.....
and now, YEA~ YEA! Yea~~~~~
your present is done!!!!!!
Wah lau~ Victor, u busy busy somemore know I post new blog ar... Yala... Weifen.. because of your presant.. I one week no MSN with Victor liow.. cause he always super super busy u know!
To Victor ~~~ Millions thanks to YOU!!! You are the BEST of the BEST!!!!
To JL ~~~ Wakaka.... you jealous ar.... My bday over edy.... Victor return bk to you....
Thank you for returning him back to me.....
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