Monday, February 21, 2011



Closet Arranging

Tonight I dun have any jie mu. Just back from Indian Supplier (Mr. Selvaraj) 's daughter wedding dinner at Dewan Hamzah.

So, stayed at home and arranged my closet.

Yesterday, all my clothes almost fell off the cupboard. Not because I have too many clothes la… but because I did not arrange them nicely and they are all falling down and crumpled. And my cupboard was hell so messy.

Furthermore, I’ve been wearing the same old clothes again and again to office.


Because the same clothes are stuffing into the same place, and I've been taking from the same compartment and end up same clothings almost everyday! My maid washed up, and put at the top, and I wear it. Again she washed up, again I wear it (coz its on the top).

After shifting my clothes and arranging them properly, I have a clearer view of my clothes now.

I finally realize that there are lots of *abandoned* clothes which I wasn't wearing for sometime. All hiding away in the corner.

Poor little clothes. Being abandoned for such a long time jor.

Ok.. nevermind clothes... from tomorrow onwards, I'll take turns to wear you all ya~



很多时候不禁 思考:“决定的时间是不是随着年龄越大而延长?”

可能是太多失败的经验,或是过于忧虑而裹足不前,还来不及开始就已经结束或迈向结束的边缘了,就像是难产 的婴孩,还来不及张开眼睛就已经停止呼吸。

Kiss the Rain – Yiruma

Hau Hau told me that this is his favourite number.

Kiss the Rain – by Yiruma

I have never heard such a beautiful song until he downloaded his favourites MP3 into my laptop.

This song, really is a touching piece. So beautiful it made me felt like I want to walk out of the door and give everyone one tight hug, telling them how much I treasure, cherish and love them. Life’s short. It seems like its telling us a story on how beautiful life is. How lucky is it for us to be able to share everything together. It’s just so very wonderful.

Well… I have no idea whether this songs does have a lyric or not, but it does play a touching story right into my head everytime….

It gives me a storyline like below.....

It reminds me the vulnerable of our lives. How beautiful is it to live in this world.

It sounds like we have to cherish ourselves and everyone around us…

Live life to our fullest. Appreciate what we have today, and cherish all, and all of them. Hold them in your arms, tell them how much you adored and loved them.

Not to waste time…

It’s by playing our part, that we won’t regret for what we have done.

Beautiful… everything seems just so beautiful….

Don’t listen to my nonsense.

Listen and check out the song yourself.

Go to and typed in Kiss the Rain.

And enjoy my fellow readers….

Love all of you~

Saturday, February 05, 2011


想念 。。。去年你问我,我会说 这是什么东西啊?

记得那个时候,芬问起我,我有没有想念某某人啊? 有没有对某某心动啊?


她还说,日夜想着,睡前想着,时时刻刻想着。 哪有那么得空没事做啊?

今天你在问我同样的问题,我会说。。 想念这个玩艺儿。。 一点儿也不好玩。没事也不要去 碰它。免得把烦恼往自己头上放。


吃饭。。。 会想着他有没有饿着肚子。


Facebook。。。 总是想看到他有没有更新消息。哪怕是写给别人的。







糟了啦。。 如果中毒了怎么办?



Friday, February 04, 2011

恭喜发财! 哟哟哟!

大家。。。 恭喜发财!!

新的一年咯。。。 大家要过的开开心心,快快乐乐。。。

因为MyFM说 :天天都是好天~ 耶~



然后,回家没事 做,看了[不能说的秘密]


这次看这套戏,感觉很不一样。 这次是已知道小雨的*故事*看的。


今天看回去,真个人都鸡皮疙瘩。 尤其是看到小雨每一个表情,都是那么神秘,那么的多不舍。而且很大胆的告诉小伦她很喜欢他。她用于表现自己,因为知道他们两在一起的日子不多。 而且小雨又抱病在身。现在才知道,为何她老是突然跑出来的。


小伦的弹奏回到了20年前小雨的世界……小伦在教室里找到了小雨,但是小雨似乎不认得小 伦。就因为弹得太快了,所以小伦来到了小雨还不认识他的时候。而且在最后 1979年的毕业照上,却出现了小伦。也就是说因为某种原因,小伦出现在了那个年代,并不像小雨那样只被一个人看到。至于结尾,留给了我们太多的空白。虽然后来的一切,未知,但是,在我的心中的结尾,是他们两相亲相爱在一起。

我喜欢Happy Ending...你呢?

Seafood Gathering Nite 30-8-2010

My honey and I

Jerry's Must Have. I found he always order this dish~

My main dish... and my favourite too~

Look at both of us. Eating like nobody business!!!

It's a memorable gathering. It has been a long time since we met Jerry.

Perkahwinan Anak Perempuan Musa Karim


A perfect wedding held in the Dewan Klang Utama.
Musa Karim's (my colleague) daughter held a wedding reception in the afternoon.

It was a hot day, but the grandly walk in by the bride and bridegroom accompanied by the loud kompang group was great.

Musa's daughter look fabulous and I almost mistaken her for some Malay artist/singer.

Had our late lunch there, with buffet and after a couple of songs, we went back.