Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Popular Bookshop

Yesterday went out with Weifen and her friend (Li Wei and Tek Kia) for dinner.
Thanks Weifen for her fantastic dinner treat ; so called before-birthday-small-treat. That’s means there’s another bigger treat la… hehehe *Weifen.. you sek zou la*!!

While waiting for her 2 buddies, we shopped around Popular bookshop. Aiya.. not like what you think la.. I am not a bookworm or so la. Just I was there to grab a Penang Map. Why? Cause I might be on a trip to Penang during the Haji Holidays soon. Right now still planning and booking rooms – so fully booked lor.. Rooms available are Junior Suite ar… Executive Business Room ar… Deluxe Suite ar… all above RM380 above one wor… want my head meh~ ~ Is like this.. better take my head la…

The map I bought. I thought one small map maybe around few ringgits only ma.. maybe around RM4-5… mana tau… cost me RM10.50leh~!

Then, still waiting and looking around, my eyes was caught by a red book.

Tadaa~ this was the book I bought yesterday too.

Nope.. you did not see the wrong thing… I myself don’t remember why I bought the book. Hahaha… all these while, I don’t like cooking one ma.. I also duno why I bought this book lor. Maybe because the cooking book is in red colour lor. All pages also red red colour one. It just simply attracts me - especially the big abalone at the cover page! Hehehe~

Friday, November 21, 2008

好男人 - 小齐




注意以下哦。。。 小齐一手拖着女友,一手抱着Rati. 他还帮女友提包包呢。。。

这可不是在做戏给记者看的哦。。 因为哪天在云顶的 Cafe Terrace 看见小齐,还有女友跟Rati。 他也是帮女友提包包, 另外一手还抱着Rati 看面包呢~ (这次女友可没有大肚子哦)
真是体贴啊~ ~




Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11月8日 - 雲星劇場《Love & Beloved任賢齊08演唱會》全場爆滿

11月8日 - 雲星劇場舉行《Love & Beloved任賢齊08演唱會》全場爆滿。

一直都很欣赏小齐的演唱会。每一次都不会让人失望,永远都是那么用心。这次在云顶的演唱会,没想太多就立刻通过大马小齐家族预购VIP的票。当时买票的时候, 还担心该怎么上云顶。 可是,我是想,不管怎样,就算是走路也得上云顶看一看小齐的演唱会。


到了Theme Park Hotel check in, 看到很多很收悉的面孔。 都是小齐家族的成员们。 3-4年没见面了。我们能够这样聚会,都是因为小齐老大来马演唱。
一进场,舞台上大大的一个银幕。 是Love & Beloved 演唱会主题。


全场高潮迭起,气氛高涨,尤其当全场举着粉红心跟着小齐的指示左右摇摆时的画面简直是美到极点啊! 整个剧场好像粉红浪花一朵朵啊~

視大馬為第2個家的小齊,他有个愿望。 希望可以找光良、阿牛及鄭秀文重回熱浪島舉行《夏日么么茶》10週年演唱會。 问说大家會不會來看,全場一呼百應猛點頭。當《浪花一朵朵》的音樂響起,小齊要我们幻想台下是沙灘、海浪及海龜,配合熒幕的效果,讓觀眾有置身小島的感覺。还开玩笑的说想象后面的观众是海龟呢~

值得提的是这次的演唱会小齐唱了好几首早期的歌曲,也许是小齐很少在公开场合唱这些歌。全场最吸引我目光的还是当小齐唱着《依靠》+《很受傷》。 音乐的配合以及当《依靠》唱完的时候,然后接起唱《很受傷》的时候,小齐把《很受傷》歌曲插了进去,非常赞!

唱着动听充满狭义歌曲、小齐让我看得目不转睛。小齊自認演唱武俠歌曲不錯,當他準備把《任逍遙》最後一句交給一位auntie唱,auntie竟然說不會唱,讓我们统统都氣炸了。原来不是不会,是紧张吧。 最后还是順利唱完。接着小齊伸手準備跟auntie握手卻見她已回到座位,令他當場尬尷不已。Auntie后来見狀馬上跑上前跟他握手,兩人的趣味互動逗樂了大家。


此外,香港粉絲團配合《還有我》站在原位與台上的小齊一起表演手語,傳達關愛的訊息。小齐多次提起要小齐家族的家人和他一起在演唱会上一起表演,这回实现了,可是保安住持了。 她们只做一半而已就坐下来了。

不只是这样,原本可以拍更多照片的,可是那个保安ka ka ciao ciao.我一拿起camera他就走过来了。 气死我了!


小齊在下半場與3名樂手以不插電形式演唱3首歌曲,粉絲在他唱完第2首歌《老地方》後又排隊送花。小齊暫停表演收花之餘,還要不停向全場觀眾說了10多次的“excuse me”。他發現數名送花的粉絲熟口熟臉,笑問:“是不是recycle呀?”

王菀之擔任小齊演唱會嘉賓及合唱《我真的受傷了》。她唱了新歌《我來自火星》。 根本不太熟悉。令整个场合反應有點冷淡。







在广交会 (广州交易展览会)的路途, 我们是用地铁去到展览中心的。每天都要达45分钟的地铁 – 从酒店到会展中心。 一共来回去了4天的展览会。每天坐在地铁里面,东望西望。 看人进来,看人出站。什么各式各样的人都有。 老的,年轻的,可爱型的,性感的,学生look 的,上班族,拿着大包包, 小包包,没带包, 连挖鼻孔的都有。坐在地铁里面真的什么都可以看到。

两个老人拿着一大堆的行李。 看起来好像是孩子要搬家, 叫他们两帮他搬行李。


一个男人, 头发染的五颜六色, 穿这运动鞋, 却没有穿袜子。

一个美女,穿这高跟鞋, 还穿上袜子。

一个40左右的女士, 穿的很老土, 却拿了LV的包包。

一对情人, 在细细密语。 怕死人家不懂他们两在谈恋爱。

一对情人。 男的手握着铁柱。 女的手原本可以一样握着铁柱,可是她偏偏握着男的裤带。地铁停站的时候,女的就会整个身体扑靠男的胸膛。

一对情人。 男的手握着铁柱。 女的手原本可以一样握着铁柱,可是她偏偏握着男的腰。仿佛在炫耀:我男友的腰多壮啊。


妈妈 :小妹, 念三字经。
小女儿: 人之初, 性本善。。。。。

女1 :今天怎么那么多人啊?
女2 :广交会啊。 我昨天也是哪样啊。 这几天也都会哪样的。 还好我就拿几站而已。

男(电话) :对啊,你看看床边的哪个月饼盒里面, 有张卡。 卡的后面有很多号码的。号码你短讯给我。

男:呀, 我告诉你们一个地方。在火车站那里的市汽车站后面,有买很多名牌包包的。
女1 :哪些都是假货
女2 :假的呀
女2 :假的, 怎么一样呢?

女(电话):哪个不管我的事啊。 总之我明天要拿到样本。。。。 你不用跟我说这些呀,我不需要知道。。。 这样吧,您叫您老总打电话给我们老板说。。。。你不用跟我说。。。您直接。。。您直接叫您老总打电话给我们老板。。。

我没有刻意把它们记下来。 我是拿着笔记本在地铁里无聊嘛 - 听到什么特别的,看了什么奇怪的, 在把它们记下来的。

Monday, November 10, 2008

Love & Beloved 任贤齐08演唱会 - 齐遇

小齐演唱会 - 一个字 -  ""!!! 不不不。。 是两个字才对 -"超爽"!!!

迟些再blog出来。 等我整理整理我的心情先。 我到现在都还在high high dei . 先看看今天的报纸吧。 个大中文报都有报道小齐的演唱会。 

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Klang Town Traffic Jam Jam Jam

Gosh… what on earth has happened to Klang Town…

Did you guys met with a Big Traffic Jam & Big Merry Go Round in Klang Town area? Heard from my colleagues that they changed some of the Klang town route and yesterday was… err.. what’s the word… Fantastic… Hahaha~ Of course I say like this… cause I was not even in the jam….
Envy me.. my working place is just soOooOoo near my house, and the route is just soOoOoo plainly smooth.

These are the routes found to be altered.
1. From Indian Street up bridge to Klang, you can only turn left on one direction towards Jln Nanas / Pin Hwa School. No turning to right ( towards the round about) anymore. The route straight to Mydin is also closed. People coming from the Indian Street will start to pile at Ayamas- Tabung Haji- Kamdar area.

2. The route in front to Pin Hwa school has been changed to a *one direction route*. Cars can only come from Jalan Nanas, and not the other way round. There is one funny scene my brother saw. Those people who wanted to enter the Harper Light Industrial Zone (behind the Pin Hwa School), has to stop their cars in front of Pin Hwa school or along the road where the Ice Kacang chinese man stall is, and walk into the “one way street” to Harper Light I.Zone.

3. From Jalan Kapar, where the traffic light junction at CIMB, you are not allowed to turn to the right anymore. The problem is here, not many people know the route is changed, and people whom wanted to turn right, found that the road is closed, steer their steering and blindly go straight. Go straight means only one thing. Means more jam to the ALREADY jam area (Kamdar / Tabung Haji area).

Information are from :
1. My mum, whom was stuck at the traffic jam yesterday while she was heading to the bank.

2. My colleague Ms. Chua, whom was stuck in the jam. She was heading from Jln. Kapar towards Port Klang, the place where she lives, and she left office at 6pm, and reach her home at 8.15pm. First thing she reached home was to rush to the toilet, 救火!

3. Another colleague Richard, who stays at Teluk Pulai also encounter the same thing. He left office at 7pm, and reached his home at 9 something.

Yesterday, one of the workers in the factory had an injury on his finger. The panel clinic doctor advised him to go to the hospital. He was then sent to the hospital by the supervisor at 6.30pm. I called over to the supervisor at 7.40pm to ask about the situation there, he answered me : “我到现在还没到呢。 我还在Public Bank 圆圈这里。 都还没有到hospital. 这里赛车赛的要命啊 !!!”

I guess the route changing and traffic chaos will affect many people. As I told you, I was not in the jam. I don’t even want to go to that part of Klang. Xinwee delivered her baby yesterday. I planned to visit her and the baby in Seri Kota. Then the news about the jam came to me, and I shook my head liow.

Xinwee, how am I suppose to cross the bridge after work? I will only get one thing….. TRAFFIC JAM lor!