Wednesday, December 17, 2008

AGREEMENT Between Brain Chan & Ng Xin Wee

I, Brain Chan , will do the followings :-

1. I will love you forever.
2. I will take good care of you all the time.
3. I will adhere to all your words throughout my life.
4. I will give you everything that is best and will only take things that are second best for my own.
5. I promise to work hard to give you luxury and comfortable living all your life.
6. I'll love you through good times and bad, whether we are happy or sad, whether you are thin or fat, tall or short.
7. I promise to love you unconditionally without expecting any return.
8. I promise to honor and respect you in everything you do.
9. I promise to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
10. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before.
11. I will bring you and your family to travel around the world, to all the places that you wish to go.
12. To kiss you every night before going to sleep.
13. To call you on the phone to inform my whereabouts every now and then.
14. I promise to not look at other girls except you, and your beautiful mother.
15. To bring my in-laws to “dim sum” every Sunday morning.
16. I will be your lullaby when you can’t sleep at night.
17. Things that you do not like me to do, I will not do it.
18. Things that you like to do, I will support you wholly.
19. If you need money, I will be your bank.
20. If you need cash, I will be your ATM machine. You can withdraw any amount you wish in me.
21. Whenever you need a labor, I will always stand-by for you.
22. If our maid runs away, I will be a perfect maid guy.
23. I will endure even if you are angry without any reasons. But I cannot be angry with you for anything at all.
24. I will buy you flowers in every anniversary and occasions.
25. To be a faithful husband and protect you all the times.
26. To support you as you pursue your dreams, both large and small.
27. I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship.
28. Lastly, I promise that the above 27 promises will start to apply once you are declared my wife.

Signed by the Bridegroom,

Mr. Brain Chan

Hahaha~ found this in my folder and thought of just posting it out here.
Wrote this on behalf for my best friend XinWee on her wedding day~
Her beautiful smile, I can still remember vividly.
Best wishes to her and her new born lil' baby - Beverley Chan

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