Thursday, December 09, 2010

Ragunathan Little Boy Naming Ceremony

4th Dec 2010

Ragunathan’s little baby boy’s one month old dinner.

He invited a lot of the staff and some production department workers to his *naming ceremony* dinner.

The catering he ordered was very nice. Brought Hau along. Like showing off my [boyfriend] to my colleague’s day. Always in the office, they were like so eager to see who this Victor is. So, everyone suggest I bring him along to the dinner.

We left early as we had made a booking with our busy Wfen for a drink.

Drove to BBT, had some talk at Paparich. Wfen was complaining so much for her in-laws. She thought she will be thoroughly free, away from her in-laws after they moved into their new house (at BBT 2), only to find out that it was not freedom at all. It was worse. Her in-laws kept asking her to come over to their new house for dinner and without asking whether Wfen wanna have dinner or not, they already cook her food. Seems like she need to have dinner with them so often, which is nothing lesser than before!

Wfen ar... not many people have food served readily in front of them. You are one lucky girl who has in-laws to cook dinner ready for you. You must appreciate them. So, don’t say you no freedom. After dinner, you still can do lots of things de ma~ right~

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