Monday, May 18, 2009

不用 "期待" 了......."齊待"終於面世

今天是個好日子嗎? 對我來說,絕對是咯,因為 '期待' 已久的 '齊待' 終於出生了~ Yes… Finally~ ~ I’m dying to hear his new songs…. Especially his Cantonese song. This album consist of two Cantonese song tim. His first ever album that has TWO Cantonese song!! Gosh…. I just loveeee him~ ~

大家不用再期待了,只要 '齊待' 就好!!!


小鎮 said...

yaya!!! my dream man... haha!!

Richie^Ling said...

Yeah~ Kynki.... I am his super chiu kap FANS la!!!!!