Friday, May 22, 2009

Lawyer's Words

There’s one beautiful day, I met up with a lawyer. We (my boss and the lawyer) sat down together to have a small lunch. The lawyer later talked about how meditation [静坐] helped him in his life. He started to touch meditation 2~3 years ago. Someone invited him to the medication class. Since then, he is very hardworking and do his routine daily.
He told us the fun and healthy mind he had since he goes to the medication class. He then talked about [希望]. I briefly write out here what he was trying to tell us. Maybe not so complete as I only manage to pen them down after the lunch session. He told us that human suffers because of [希望]. People tend to have many [希望] and it’s the [希望] that makes people cry and suffer a lot.

He uses himself as an example. He said if his son was to die right now, he won’t be too sad or feel very unfair to his life. He will only [thank] his son for the 19 years of being into his life. (Talk until here ar… my 毛also naik la). He said he will pray peacefully and thank his son for giving him such happiness during his 19 years of life. Thank him for coming to this world to bring happiness to him and his wife. Thanks for calling him “daddy” and thanks for letting them know how to teach a kid to become 19 years old teenager. He added that a person leaves you (die), it actually means that person “needs to go back hometown”. Someone comes into your life, someone will eventually go away. That someone whom comes into your life, will somehow GO BACK one day. So he said to better thank him for coming into his life and not crying for that person when he leaves.

He also told us something about [干扰] . According to him, we have many things happening around us. There are good and sometimes are bad. Even when you are very careful on the road, you cannot avoid people knocking your car instead. These kind of things are [干扰]. It’s a kind of disturbance that come over to you to test and see how you [面对]them all. How you deal with the problem, how you see the happening, how you dealt with your feelings, how you react when it happened and how you can learn from this [干扰]. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just an exam for you to test your 反应and help you to LEARN in your life.

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