Sunday, February 21, 2010


(Ages ago liow.. just now accidentally opened this file. I even saved the chat messages!)

~Jia Ling~ says:我的六和是兔子,羊,老虎
~Jia Ling~ says:你好厉害哦..好像真的很懂哦..
- Njv ²-™ says:你的六合是虎
- Njv ²-™ says:兔羊是你的三合
- Njv ²-™ says:三合比六合好很多的
~Jia Ling~ says:我要去那里找兔羊??
~Jia Ling~ says:你帮我找找看
~Jia Ling~ says:我的兔羊不知道躲到哪里去了
- Njv ²-™ says:找差你四岁的咯, 还是八岁
~Jia Ling~ says:去那里找啊...
~Jia Ling~ says:我遇到的人都比我大2-3岁而已
~Jia Ling~ says:没有那么大的阿
~Jia Ling~ says:不然我找小我的好了..
- Njv ²-™ says:哈哈
~Jia Ling~ says:通圣你也懂啊!
- Njv ²-™ says:搞姐弟恋?
- Njv ²-™. says:懂一点啦
~Jia Ling~ says:rabbit is 1988 (same my bro)
~Jia Ling~ says:younger than me er... 5yrs
- Njv ²-™ says:他们教我的
~Jia Ling~ says:if goat.. cannot la.. too young!
~Jia Ling~ says:hahahah~
~Jia Ling~ says:now onli 19yrs
- Njv ²-™ says:you with your rabbit bro very ngam key one
~Jia Ling~ says:ok la - since canot find elder.. then find younger
~Jia Ling~ says:sorry.. we 2 like tom n jerry one
- Njv ²-™ says:cause he is your 三合and he is master... so you most of time will listen to him de
- Njv ²-™ says:haha
~Jia Ling~ says:me n my tiger bro better
~Jia Ling~ says:hahaha
~Jia Ling~ says:shit ur head la... i m sister.. sure he listen to me la!!
- Njv ²-™ says:after see the san he right?
~Jia Ling~ says:?
- Njv ²-™ says:got see your element all that de le
- Njv ²-™ says:看了三合还有看天地人
~Jia Ling~ says:wa...
- Njv ²-™ says:也就是 你五行的属性是厍么
~Jia Ling~ says:i am water
- Njv ²-™ says:我帮你看了
- Njv ²-™ says:你的五行是水
~Jia Ling~ says:你有通书吗? 你怎么看?
- Njv ²-™ says:地也是水
- Njv ²-™ says:纳音都是水
- Njv ²-™ says:哈哈
~Jia Ling~ says:对。。 我水没错
- Njv ²-™ says:我的是火木火
~Jia Ling~ says:我 水水水
- Njv ²-™ says:意识说,我天干是火,所以你克我
~Jia Ling~ says:什么?? 我克你
- Njv ²-™ says:很大研究的
- Njv ²-™ says:对阿
~Jia Ling~ says:哇。。好难哦
- Njv ²-™ says:天生是你克我
~Jia Ling~ says:地就是我生你的木
- Njv ²-™ says:可以说你可能会控制我一些东西或行为
- Njv ²-™ says:对
~Jia Ling~ says:这样。。。
- Njv ²-™ says:因为水生木

Mahjong Table in Hong Hong's House

SMS 1/21/2010 10:55 PM

Hong Hong : Finally i buy mahjong table n mahjong liao...yesterday kelvin play wit his fren hor...damn funny lo...he really buy the MAHJONG really just the TABLE KAKI one...hahaha...somemore when we buy at jusco, he check very carefully lo...when i ask him, he said he just check the TABLE, but he never notice no KAKI one...then 2 of us very happy carry the TABLE back...

JL: Wahahaha... U 2 can join the Funniest American Show la!!

Hong Hong : Haha...i also think i can join har..non stop laughing when see the TABLE with mo KAKI...which means hav to sit on floor to play de mahjong..beh tahan..

JL: Ya,i know. Normally join american funniest show ppl is like tat one!



• 暧昧是,比好朋友再亲一点,但比情人远一点。

• 暧昧是,有一点儿兄妹的情谊,但却不敢以兄妹相称。大家都暗暗的明白,这段关系不可能简单如两兄妹。

• 暧昧是,你会不时去她的Info/日记看看有没有更新,而且你会留意字里行间,她对你有没有甚么暗示?

• 暧昧是有感觉,然而,这种感觉不足以叫你们切切实实的发展一段正式的关系。

• 暧昧是明白人生有太多的无奈,现实有太多的限制。你知道没有可能,但又舍不得放手。

• 暧昧是有进一步的冲动,却没有进一步的勇气。更怕一旦进一步的话,便会失去。

• 暧昧是,她不是你的情人,但她似乎比你的情人更关心你和了解你。

• 暧昧是,她会送一份心思细密的礼物给你,但大家从没有开始过。

• 暧昧是,虽然她不是你的情人,但她却会对你说:“你对我是十分重要的。”

• 暧昧是,你有事时有一个会在晚上打电话来,向你嘘寒问暖,关心你,叫你盖好被早点睡的普通朋友。

• 暧昧是,当你遇到问题解决不了的时候,你找不到你的男朋友,你第一个便会想起她。

• 暧昧是甜津津又同时酸溜溜的。往往从未开始,已叫人不安,患得患失。

• 暧昧是,别人以为你们在发展地下情时,你会沾沾自喜。

• 暧昧是,别人问你们是否在恋爱中,你张口结舌。

• 暧昧是,常常挣扎表不表白。你怕表白之后,你既得不到一个情人,却又失去了一个知心好友。

• 暧昧是,见到她时,你会心跳。见不到她时,你会挂念她。

• 暧昧是,两个人都会互相猜度。她是不是已经暗示了甚么?我是不是自作多情。

• 暧昧是,每天大家都会聊ICQ,间中会互传手机短讯,无规律地偶然约会。

• 暧昧是,除了情人节外,在大时大节和生日,大家都会交换礼物。在外地的时候,你总会记得带手信给她。

• 暧昧是,你很想多走一步,但又怕会吓怕了她。你会很小心流露自己的感情,你忍不住不去着紧她,但又怕她会知道你着紧。

• 暧昧是,两个人没有承诺过甚么。但虽然如此,你愿意付出的,比有承诺的情侣更多。没有责任,但你却很渴望去承担,不问回报。




有时你可能不知道自己更喜欢对方还是更喜欢暧昧,不清楚自己因为喜欢对方而选择暧昧,还是因为 喜欢暧昧而选择对方,但你会知道自己喜欢这样的轻柔和模糊,不需要了解太多,不需要朝思暮想。









很早就起来,和妈妈到Eng Ann Pasar pagi走走,买烧肉。我告诉你哦。。。 那里的烧肉是恐怖到。。。没有看过的咯。 天还是黑的,就已经有将近40个人在排队了咯。我妹妹从天黑排到天亮都还没有到她呢。。。








后来,公司还有两个hamper还没有送出去。我就负责送到Bukit Jelutong and Summit附近那里。

然后,妈妈叫我到Port Klang拿花。 因为花店那里靠近Bayu Perdana。。。所以去做最后冲刺了。买了几件衣服。一直认为我的新衣服很“有限”,所以不管了。。。 一定要买一两件回家的!

回到家。。。 忙着煮菜了。

我负责准备“耗事发财”。 忙得我团团转。因为一年没有煮了。忘记了。
搞得我头昏脑胀。 忙得我腰骨都痛。


不管了。。 在客厅等待12点的到来。





Yeah~!!!! 年初一来咯!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kissaten Jaya One

Had my dinner here one fine day with YM. Aiya… I forgot when liow la. Someday just before the CNY lor.

Kissaten … my second visit there.

First one was also with YM. At Jaya One… nice place.. nice food.

The menu has an interesting mix of Japanese, Chinese and western food from burgers and spaghetti to lam mee and ramen.

I like the ambiance and the mostly white interior. The menu is beautiful pictured too! The menu’s food all looks super delicious.

A must say dish I ate would be the Char Siew Pizza. I tell you…. I tell you…. SUPER SUPER GOOD lor…

The cheese… the pizza dough… all nicely done… nicely served and just meltz away into your mouth. I’m craving for another bite now itself! Now… who want bring me go there makan that Char Siew Pizza… call me now!!!

Simple query the waitress for the difference between Milk Tea (RM5.90) and ROYAL Milk Tea (RM6.90), she told me Royal Milk Tea got more milk. Duh… meaning?? Hahaha…. Curious… so I ordered that lor. Aiya.. nothing special la. Just another cup of “Teh Ice” in a beautiful glass that’s all.

Kissaten is located at :-

KISSATEN Coffee and Restaurant
L12A-1-1, Palm Square JAYA ONE
Jalan Universiti, Petaling Jaya, SEL.
Tel: 03 - 7954 1990
Opening hours: 8am - 10pm daily

12-2-2010 收工日

和以往一样, 过了1点,我们就开始忙打扫自己的东西。

同事们都忙着抹cupboard and drawer. 清掉所有的垃圾。

很开心。因为是最后一天的忙。。。 然而就可以休息放大假咯!~


到了3点,派一位同事去Carrefour KFC180KFC sets.



同事们个个都很心急的要等抽奖了。今年的没有什么很特别的礼物。 重要的是每个人都不会空手而回。 180个人。。。纷纷的近来office抽奖。



一个RM10Jusco Voucher.

每个人笑个不停。 是够力swei了咯!


重要是开心嘛。。。。 对不对。。。。

晚上,我们到老板娘的家吃团圆饭。我还煮了拿手菜 – Nestum 虾。


好丰富的晚餐。 有鲍鱼汤,盐鸡,猪手,虾,雪鱼。。。。 等等。

吃完后,连盘都没有洗,就冲去Hong Hong那里做指甲。 老早就和她booking好的了。每想到竟然会碰到是吃团圆饭的时间。 还好Hong Hong肯等我。

Hong Hong帮我弄了Acrylic Nails. 也就是假指甲啦。 因为9点过后还有另外三个顾客,所以没来得及做完。。。只做了4只。 可是哦。。。完全看不出来是假的噢!

后来,Hong Hong说她家里的糖果都还没有买到。 所以,我和Kelvin就跑去Eng Ann and Centro走走看看。顺便去Wfen家拿豆水。 Wfen定了两桶豆水。原本Hong Hong也要,可是Wfen妈妈已经从店里回家了。


9-2-2010 Yeah... I Received a Card

Yoohooo... I received a card from Wfen.

She's so nice.... she sent me a beautiful cardie this year.

JL: Received your card liow. Super happy lo. Thank u so muchie.

Wfen : Haha... Today only receive ar? Suprise ler?

JL: Of coz surprise la. Finally I received one card this year! You made my day. Ok, what you wan eat? I belanja u.

Wfen: Send 1 card got 1 lunch? Then from today onward I send u lots of cards la. Then i got lots of free dinner lo.

JL: Ya, early morning u still dreamin ar? Only for 2day, coz i hapi ma. Treat u dinner,wat u wan eat? Faster say b4 i change my mind! Haha

Wfen: Tonight I no free wor.

JL: I not mean today la. Anytime in future la.

After a long wait… she still no reply……

JL: Dear Ms.Koh, we regret to inform you that the dinner treat has expired. Since there is no reply from you, your current session is therefore expired. Please be informed.

Wfen: Dear ms liew, you change so damn fast ar? I m busy cleaning my house la. No time to reply mar... I wan to eat drunken chicken steamboat.

4-2-2010 Before CNY Gathering

Asked Wfen out for yum cha. Have to give her the new notes she exchange for CNY. Every year also I helped her to exchange her notes de.

Ok Ok… she exchanged quite a lot lor. So… remember ya…. When you see her during CNY, greet her Gong Hei Fatt Choy… and she’ll be happy to DISTRIBUTE money to you! Hahahaha~

Yeah… I forgot how liow la.. somehow YM also followed us. We went to Chef Garden for makan. Chef Garden…. Wfen’s new customer. Hehehe… soya bean she supply de.

6-2-2010 Saturday Night Gathering

After my short briefing class, went KTV with Alice, YM, Chee Yan, Liow and Chriss. At Greenbox Bukit Tinggi.

Before entering the KTV room, went and Quick shop for my CNY shoes. Until now also haven’t buy my shoes yet de.

Luckily one look already saw a fantastic shoe at Summit.
Super nice and comfortable....
Nothing much to say here… only that I lost my white gold ring there!

Recently, for the CNY, I did lost 2kgs and I managed to slim down. Many people noticed my change, including myself. I felt my trousers’ getting loose recently. And my ring became loose too. It can easily slipped off my hand… even when I just wash my hands.

I went to the toilet… and…. *kriinnngg….. duuumpp*. I heard a sharp sound… and one look… my ring slipped into the toilet bowl’s hole. Damn it.

It was not the sitting kinda toilet bowl.. Otherwise I would have taken it up. It was a deep black hole… cannot see the ending also one…

Kanasai… I can only bid goodbye to my ring there. My ring so kolian… ownself stay in that black hole thing…. Haih~

Me more kolian lor… lost a ring before CNY. Cheh…. Banyak Swei lor!!!!























7-2-2010 Second Semester Official Started

Today second semester start class liow lor.

Sunday morning wake up… had my favourite mee hun kueh behind Maybank Klang and straight attend my class liow.

First subject was Management Accounting. Afternoon session is Investigative Studies.

Felt sleepy because long time didn’t go class liow…suddenly enter classroom.. macam taken sleeping pill like this… super sleepy…

After class… mum asked me fetched her to Petaling Street jalan jalan shopping shopping buy Chinese new year stuff wor…

Head to KL…. Had our dinner and bought some pussy willow there.

Pussy willow quite expensive lor. One small bundle RM25. From Taiwan one wor…

Bought three stalk without considering whether can masuk my Vios car or not.

Luckily…. Still can stuff inside my tiny car… hehehehe

Pussy willow for sale in Petaling Street

Lot's of CNY decorations for sale there....
Chinese New Songs are heard everywhere.... Not the traditional *Gong Xi Gong Xi* song liow... Now everyone play..... *Da Re Zhi...Yi Ge Hao Kai Shi~~~*
(大日子-My FM

Photos adapted from other sources. Brought my camera there... but we were too scared to shoot... scare people shoo us away... hehehehe

Dinner with Colleagues 29-1-2010

Yuummmmmm Seeeeeenggggg~

Ms How and Me

Aiya... all gather together bukan nak makan la... nak yum seng sahaja laaa!

Finish makan.. do what? What else... yum seng la~!!

Two tables... all food empty liow~

All my colleagues

Yum Yum Yummy... fresh seafood @ Perlama Restaurant, Port Klang.

Crab.... yum yum

Happy Colleague Gathering~ Yeah Yeah Yeah~

Take Two!

Uncle's Bachelor's Night 22-1-2010

Some of the photos taken in my Uncle's Bachelor's Nite. Previously I've blog about it... they were being mixed up into blog.

Recently only I got the photos.
Share them with you guys here...

Upon reaching... start our duty liow...

Arrange these stuffs onto the big plate

It was a charcoal steamboat... so... this kind of *cou chong* job.. no need ask anyone la.. sure is limbeh do one la!!!

Waiteress for the day.... Fresh veggies on the plate...
[Notice my dress suddenly become a shirt bor... I wore my auntie's shorts.. because my dress very short lor.. when fanning the charcoal hor... give people see free show lor. So I cepat cepat go and tukar become like this lor!!]

My sisters and brothers all busy preparing and laying out the steamboat pot. The bottom of the pot is filled with hot hot charcoal...

The burning charcoal in the underpot is so hot that it started to burn the table top! We then only think of putting *jubin* on top, so that the charcoal won't burn the table top again. But it failed too. The *jubin* gets super hot and broke in the middle of the dinner. POP! Then bo huat liow la... we used stainless steel plates instead.

Fresh seafood.. all nicely prepared and cut already.

Finish setting the tables.. and most of the relatives also sampai liow... hectic lor..

Here they come... just come.. sit down and *jiak*!
(Nola.. I not complaining la.. we were there early purposely to help out de la..)

Yooo hooo... charcoal steamboat finally can BOIL the soup... after a long wait......Hahahaha

*Mai Chap* already la... it was almost 9pm liow leh... still haven't eat. Later somemore got second round with LeeYoon leh!

珠海的点点滴滴 - 11月份

海鲜街。。 就是在这条街上挑好自己的海鲜。。。然后到对面的餐厅用餐。餐厅会把海鲜煮好的。。。



这是什么东东啊?? 那个噢巴桑跟我说很补的呢~!!


这个很好料的。。。super good!它的肉吃了会有水pitttt出来的。。。

这个就不用谈了啦。。。 爽!


虾婆。。咸咸的。。 我中意。。。



