Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Should I "Isotretinoin" ?

My forehead….. covered up with teeny weeny little zits…. Those little evil pimples are becoming worse…..

They are overpowering my face. And now to my cheeks too. I can’t even see myself in the mirror. All I see is the pimples… pimples… and more pimples….

Just back from Dr. Ko Skin Specialist. Dr. Teh approached me.

I suggest that you take “Isotretinoin”, says the doctor.

What is that? I asked.

It is a strongest of all acne treatment. It shrinks the oil glands which causes your uncontrollable pimples. She emphasized.

I gulped. And decided.

I choose to have flawless and acne-free skin.

Welcome “Isotretinoin” to my life. A new pill…. I will post up photos of the cute, harmless looking pill…. dark purple in color and of course my current oily and full-of-acne-on-my-forehead look. The pill… I’m starting my first little one tomorrow.

Ok… you don’t have to browse through Wikepedia to get to know what Isotretinoin is.
I already pasted them here. And already shorten them… I afraid some of you might just doze off halfway reading them! [And God… I still feel such a long one].

What is Isotretinoin?
Isotretinoin is a powerful and effective medicine used to treat severe acne. It is a man-made retinoid (derived from vitamin A). Isotretinoin usually needs to be taken for 3 to 6 months. Isotretinoin works by unclogging skin pores and shrinking oil glands. Because of its serious side effects, isotretinoin should be used only for severe resistant acne.

Risks of taking Isotretinoin?
Isotretinoin can cause side effects. The most serious side effects occur in women who are pregnant or get pregnant while taking it. They may have a miscarriage, or their infant may be born with severe birth defects. Less serious side effects affect almost everyone who takes isotretinoin. These include dry skin, dry mouth, chapped lips, nosebleeds, dry eyes and difficulty wearing contact lenses, and increased skin sensitivity to sunlight. If you have dry eyes while taking isotretinoin, you may have to wear glasses instead of contact lenses. Other common side effects of isotretinoin dry nose, nosebleeds, cracks in the corners of the mouth , inflammation of the whites of the eyes. Joint aches also are common. Rarely, isotretinoin can cause brain swelling (intracranial hypertension), which produces nausea, vomiting, headache, and changes in vision. And it is believed that severe depression can occur, although there is no conclusive evidence for this. Risk of hair thinning (This could start or continue after treatment).

Isotretinoin can cause higher-than-normal levels of certain fats (triglycerides) in your blood. High levels of triglycerides may make you more likely to develop certain health problems, such as heart disease.

Isotretinoin is harmful to the fetus (cause birth defects and miscarriage) and therefore should not be used during pregnancy. Pregnancy should be avoided one month before, during, and at least one month after stopping isotretinoin.

Yup…..I know the consequences. But... I have to choose between flawless and acne-free skin and the adverse effects associated with it.

I might have dry lips - Aiya... little dry won't spoil my day I guess... moreover, noone's gonna kiss my lips what...

Peeling Skin.... Aiks... I might as well change to soft Baby Skin leh....

I might have dry skin - Aiya... noone's gonna touch me la~ Noone's gonna hold my hand also....

I might have thinner hair - My hair so tebal... cannot really notice one gua... But this one I paling scare lor. Because it's written that my hair might become thin even after the treatment wor.......
I might have depression - Aiya... I so happy person... where come depression wor...

Of all the consequences.....I STILL have to stick to the treatment without fail DAILY for SIX consecutive months. No stopping halfway or everything is gone.

And mind you… the little CUTE Isotretinoin is DAMN expensive.
One little tiny piece is RM6. I have to take it twice daily, and gradually lesser as my doctor prescribed in future.

I really pray that it will work and hopefully the side effects will be minimal.

And… I’m utterly broke now. Can someone spare me dinner for the future six months??


Anonymous said...

since you are taking the little cute pills, what do you think? is it good? is your face improving?

Jasmine Lim Qing - Wei said...

Any side effects? Pls keep us update :)

Unknown said...

How was ur skin now?

Unknown said...

How was ur skin now?